Digital Storytelling Festival 3, Aberystwyth 2008

I did a presentation on the challenges of working as a single facilitator and creating stories with limited finances and basic equipment certainly tests your ingenuity.  But it is a method which may lift some of the financial constraints prohibiting some users from accessing this versatile and very exciting medium through other providers. Most single facilitators have been trained by organizations such as Capture Wales and Breaking Barriers and like myself have gone on to adapt that training to fit their own working methods and circumstances.

Working as single facilitators enables more practitioners to promote Digital Storytelling resulting in a wider network of practitioners More practitioners there are the greater the opportunity for the medium to develop and evolve. Community artists and workers find that Digital Storytelling compliments and supports the work of other existing art forms.

Enables projects to be undertaken at social venues where participants gather, and because the projects are run locally will allow people with limited spare time perhaps because of caring for family members, to access the projects.
Promotes wider digital inclusion by using hardware and software which is generally available to most people, and introduces software many people already have but may be unaware of.

I was also, part of a panel discussing digital storytelling and answering questions from delegates.